Advanced Nursery Growers


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AYERS PEAR Pyrus communis ‘Ayers’   -Self pollinating , but  it does better with a Barlett, Keiffer, Orient,Pineapple, Wild pear  or a Moonglow pear . The Moonglow can grow to a mature height of15-30 ft.  and a mature spread of 12–15 ft. t is a sweet yellow pear with a red blush. Ut is a fireblight-resistant variety

.Chill hours: 300-400

Zone 5-8

We only ship to the continental USA no shipping to California, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Our plants ship bare root or with minimal soil in a bag.  5 gallon pots or larger must be picked up at the nursery ( or call for special shipping arrangements to see if we can ship to you ).

The picture is an example  and is not always the actual plant being shipped
